Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Thames Revisited

The Thames in art theme continues at the Redfern Gallery in Cork Street, where Devon-born Kurt Jackson Kurt has a wonderful exhibition of paintings of the Thames made over the past three years. His energetic handling of water and light, in mixed media, brings insight and pleasure to his paper, linen and canvas.

Will Self is a fan, and he wrote an essay for the catalogue to the exhibition. "I've been up and down the length of the river a fair amount. I've rowed on it and swam in it, but mostly I've walked beside it – sometimes fanatically – in search of that rare combination of the transcendent and the haptic that only the work of a serious artist can achieve. Looking at Kurt Jackson's canvases, which manage this feat so triumphantly for the Thames, it occurs to me that I might as well have stayed at home, waiting for them to come into being."

• Kurt Jackson is based in Cornwall and has a lively interest in the planet. He was artist in resident on Greenpeace's Esperanaza, at the Eden Project and at the Glastonbury Festival.
• The Thames Revisited is on at the Redfern Gallery until Jan 3, 2014.

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